February 18, 2010


What you know: This blog was created to help inform friends and family about what's new with the Benk's.

What you don't know: This is my 4th or 5th (depending on if you count wordpress) attempt at creating a blog. Well, since you don't follow my other blogs, then we can assume how all those turned out. Floating in cyber somewhere.

None-the-less here is my last attempt at creating a successful blog. And if you're reading this then well at least it "works". Lisa and I wanted to have an avenue to be able to allow friends and family to feel apart of our lives although many miles separate most of us. And if I could be quite honest, emailing everyone with updates is quite often painful and I lose interest quickly. So hopefully this will be a little different.

So, without further ado, welcome to our blog. And I'll ask ahead of time for patience as we embark on the new (to us at least) world of blogging.

Much love.


  1. Good Job! I know how hard you have worked on this!

    Mee Maw

  2. Congrats again and good job on the blog

  3. Its ok but the profile what about hobbies

  4. Uncle Larry (hate the unc word)February 22, 2010 at 12:58 PM

    Good job.
